Terms & Conditions

Pricing and Availability of Items

The prices shown on the website apply to products purchased online. In some cases they may be less than the recommended retail price (RRP) when we are running promotions with specific titles. Also, prices in store may vary to the website, please check before making an in-store purchase. The prices of our photographs include the VAT according to the Special Diet of The worn Properties (Law known the VAT 37/1992, of December 28th). 

Addresses Policy 

If the customer provides an incorrect or insufficient address, the customer will be required to pay the redelivery postage costs to the correct address.


Payment must be received in full before website orders are dispatched. Payment can be made online using your credit card or PayPal. We also accept French cheques.


The information on this website is provided for general information only. Dissident Pictures has provided this information for the benefit of users in good faith and with reasonable care. Errors and omissions in this information may occur, including through negligence.

Dissident Pictures does not accept any liability for any loss or damage which may directly or indirectly result from any opinion, information, advice, representation or omission contained on this website.